Sunday, January 28, 2018

The number 1 reason

What is the number 1 reason for modernizing TestingSaaS in 2018?



Since the beginning of TestingSaaS it was used as a content platform to share my thoughts on SaaS related affairs like software testing, forensics, identity management and data science.
Distribution channels like Twitter and Facebook were used to spread these thoughts.
My thoughts were noticed and I got invited to write articles for online publishers like eForensics Magazine, Security Affairs and
I even got the opportunity to attend and speak at international conferences.

A journey indeed.
But times are changing: spreading your thoughts online is much harder these days due to a multitude of distribution channels and stricter Search Engine Optimization.
You have to stand out.
Not only with your thoughts (the 'content'), but also with your engagement.
Marketing is getting more important.

The more you engage in a proper way online, the more you get noticed by search engines.

I always used Twitter and LinkedIn as my main engagement channels, but a month ago I tried a more direct way: the chatbot.

Engagement via a chatbot

On Facebook I got in talks with Max Ronai, founder of Gobot, an easy to use chatbot.
I agreed to test it on my blog TestingSaaS.
Unfortunately I did not get any conversations with it and when I asked my Facebook fans for feedback on the chatbot I got an answer I did not expect.

Change your blog-platform, it's outdated!!

That was something that came out of the blue.
I expected feedback on the contents of my blog, not the blog itself.
But the feedback is correct.
The content is good, but without a modern blog architecture you are nothing in today's online world.
And comparing other blog-sites, my site really looks so 2010ish :).
Even when I use a 2018 chatbot, which IMHO is a great chatbot to use.

A new blogplatform

So, I need a new platform to build for my blogging.

Wordpress, Medium.., take your pick.

As always, I will think about it and define a strategy.

In the meantime I will use Medium as my temporary blogging platform.
No worries, LinkedIn and Twitter will remain my distribution channels.

As always, sharing your thoughts on engagement, chat-bots, blogs and all kind of other SaaS-related areas is very appreciated.

See you next time on Medium.

**********************BIG UPDATE AUGUST 2018 ******************************

TestingSaaS is NOT continued on Medium, but on
Here a couple of blogs are already placed for your convenience. will be continued on


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