Sunday, November 1, 2015

So what's your hobby? Resurrection!

2015 is a busy year for me: new job, more responsibilities, work abroad and some explorations in data science using R.

I noticed I did not post anything on my TestingSaaS blog for a while now.
Well, it's that time again.
Too much is going on in software testing,cloud computing, forensics and information security to let unnoticed.
Questions to be answered like:

  • Is the software tester a dying breed?
  • How can we test the Internet of Things?
  • Can we use data science when doing software tests?
  • Isn't test automation just checking, not testing?
  • What's a RAT in information security, and why should you know about it?
Just a few questions, and the next few months I am going to answer these through my blog and my articles for Eforensics Magazine.

TestingSaaS is not a dying breed.
Why not?
Because his hobby is: Resurrection!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A decade of software testing, how it all started

When you are having fun time flies!
Well, you could say that with me concerning software testing.
And I am a fun-loving tester now for ten years, a decade of adventure!
How did it all start?

Ten years ago I got the idea to become a software tester.
Pretty strange at that time because I just finished a Masters in Biology at the Wageningen University and Research Centre (WageningenUR) and was destined to become a bioinformatician.
However, specific events led me to this decision:

  1. I always was intrigued by computers: birds were my first love, but computers my second
  2. A summerjob introduced me to the world of softwaretesting: I had to test a time-planning application for truckers, exploratory tessting to the max!!
  3. 10 years ago biology was more in the DNA labs than behind the computer
  4. I did not want to be a programmer:. I can build, but I like breaking more!
So I wanted to earn money, use my brain and get some business experience.
Softwaretesting is then not a bad career move:
you get a nice salary, you have to think a lot and you explore different businesses.
When I was studying biology, I would have never thinked of working at a bank, a logistics company or a mbile security firm. Or spending your free evenings and nights exploring XMLs, identity protocols or forensic software.
And still I find enough time to explore testing adventures abroad.

Sometimes a bumpy ride, but with enough fun time.
Well, it's a jungle out there, and it's survival of the fittest, but this guy adapts and sometimes he wins.

Let's see how the next decade goes.
I am ready to go, are you?